- Individuals who wish to acquire a degree after submitting their thesis after the completion of their degree (permanent graduate) may register with the permission of the dean of the Graduate School and submit their thesis.
- Permanent graduates refer to those who have acquired their permanent graduation process within the last five years.
- Registration of permanent graduates may only be done once.
- If the department (major) of the permanent graduate has been closed or changed, the graduate is registered to a similar department (major or course) but with the approval of the department (major or course) that they would like to change to.
Application period
- Every January and July
How to Apply
- Submit an online application to the SUIS, print out the form, obtain the signature of the department head professor and supervising professor as well as the required attachments (e.g., cause of application, transcript, and more), and submit the form with signatures to the Graduate School Administrative Office.
- 50% of the semester tuition
Deadline for submission
- Within four consecutive semesters for master’s, and within six consecutive semesters for doctor’s (including the semester when the registration was made)
Loss of Privileges
- Actions that do not fit with the character of the permanent graduate
- Withdrawal of recommendations from the head professor
- Failure to submit the completed copy of the paper before the expiration of the deadline