News 게시글 확인
Title SeoulTech Establishes Artificial Intelligence Applications Major
Writer admin ReadCount 1259 Date 2020-09-10

SeoulTech Establishes Artificial Intelligence Applications Major with Scholarship Benefits for the Next 9 Years
Major focuses on cultivating specialized professionals for the future of  the 4th Industrial Revolution

SeoulTech has established an Artificial Intelligence Applications Major beginning in the 2021 academic year. The establishment of the new major is to cultivate future professionals specializing in artificial intelligence. This major combines elements from engineering, the humanities, social sciences, art, and design in order to meet the demands of the 4th Industrial Revolution.
The Artificial Intelligence Applications Major will be composed of approximately 60 students this year and is planning to provide students with full scholarships for up to 9 years (for students continuing on to graduate studies). It will be established and operated in the Creative Convergence College, a college for blended majors.
Head of the Artificial Intelligence Applications Major, Park Jong Yeol said, “As artificial intelligence has a large impact on society, a program combining different fields of study can merge the majors of different studies was designed. As students are expected to learn two different majors through the Artificial Intelligence Applications Major, they may face challenges in their studies but we believe that they will become artificial intelligence specia lists prepared with experiences in different fields when they graduate.”

▲ Head of the Artificial Intelligence Applications Major Park Jong Yeol


The Artificial Intelligence Applications Major includes specified educational programs for career tracks such as △artificial intelligence entrepreneurs, △industrial professionals, △research professionals, etc. The Artificial Intelligence Entrepreneur education program teaches methods to lead a successful entrepreneurial effort based on a business friendly mind and technology. The Industrial Professional educational program focuses on cultivating experts needed by corporations in the industrial fields. Moreover, students with research and academic interests will receive support through the undergraduate and graduate extension programs in addition to detailed research support. 


▲Artificial Intelligence Application Major Career


The Artificial Intelligence Applications Major requires first year students to take mathematics, computer science, artificial intelligence theory, etc. Second year students take advanced programs that expand and apply artificial intelligence to mathematics, numerical interpretation, data analysis and other key studies in environmental, educational and public fields. Third and fourth year students take multi-semester programs that include an educational curriculum that allows students to take part in humanities, social sciences, management, construction or environmental fields or double majors in mechanical engineering, robotics, medical, etc. The major will cultivate a specialized professional workforce by allowing students to take courses that dive deeply into AI systems, natural language processing, computer vision, enhanced machine learning, embedded systems, and other areas of artificial intelligence and participate in undergraduate and graduate programs or double majors at foreign universities. The major focuses on preparing students for the future by providing experience with state of the art artificial intelligence, capstone design, artificial intelligence ethics and entrepreneurship seminars.


SeoulTech’s Artificial Intelligence Applications Major is different from artificial intelligence majors at other universities in the following ways. While artificial intelligence majors at other universities are based on a foundation of computer science, SeoulTech’s program focuses on artificial intelligence focused fields and provides a creative and proactive experience in applying it in different industries. Instead of having students graduate and then adjust to fieldwork, SeoulTech prepares students and equips them with the skills used in the field to cultivate prepared professionals. Graduates will be able to advance into different fields such as software, communications, electronics, mechanics, robotics and environmental fields according to their specific specialties.


▲Artificial Intelligence Applications Major Convergence Type Educational Program


SeoulTech is also expected to operate a double major and double major programs with foreign universities in connection to the establishment of the Artificial Intelligence Applications Major. Though the Bachelor’s and Master’s program, it hopes to provide students with an opportunity to dive deeper into the academic research of artificial intelligence and all students graduating from the Artificial Intelligence Applications Major will go through a double major, double major with foreign universities or a Bachelor’s and Master’s program.


▲Artificial Intelligence Applications Major Informational Video



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