News 게시글 확인
Title SeoulTech President Welcomes Students on their First Day of School
Writer admin ReadCount 1879 Date 2022-02-21

SeoulTech President Welcomes Students on their First Day of School
- Welcome event for new and current students on their first day of in-person classes
- Various events are being planned to connect university leadership and students



□ SeoulTech President Lee Dong-hoon announced that the leadership would welcome students on their first day of the semester (February 21st) at the university main gate. The event welcomed freshmen and current students as they began their spring semester.


※ As part of the “ST Semester System,” a new academic system starting from this spring semester, SeoulTech has held the first day of classes one week earlier (February 21st instead of March 2nd).


□ The welcome event was planned to mark the resumption of in-person classes after two years of online classes. The event was designed to encourage students and create a sense of belonging and intimacy with the president.


□ The event was attended by faculty members and representatives of the Student Government, as well as major university officials including the president, vice president of education, and vice president of research planning. The students were handed snacks and masks. The president took photos with students at a photo-zone with the university mascots,‘Tech’ and ‘Somuni’.


□ Dean Kim Joo-han, who planned this event, said, “We are trying to bridge the distance between the university leadership and students.” He added that SeoulTech “will continue to pay attention to issues like the student government and scholarships and do its best to support students.”


□ A student who participated in the event noted, “I was so grateful that the president greeted me with a smile on the first day of classes. It was also great to have the opportunity to take a picture with the president! It’s a wonderful way to start the day!”








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