News 게시글 확인
Title SeoulTech Holds Entrance Ceremony for the Class of 2022
Writer admin ReadCount 1150 Date 2022-02-18

SeoulTech Holds Entrance Ceremony for the Class of 2022
- Event held in adherence to social distancing and quarantine pass regulations. A total of 2,541 student admissions celebrated.
- Event maintained a casual and comfortable atmosphere


□ SeoulTech, with President Lee Dong-hoon presiding, held its entrance ceremony for the 2022 academic year at the 100th Anniversary Auditorium at 12:30 pm on the Friday, February 18th. 


□ The 2022 academic year welcomes 2,541 new students to the university. This year, SeoulTech recorded the acceptance rates of 12.22 to 1 during early admissions, and 4.86 to 1 during regular admissions.


□ In strict adherence to social distancing and quarantine pass regulations, approximately 100 people attended the entrance ceremony. Many students attended the event online. In separately designated venues, each college conducted its own orientation after watching the online broadcast of the ceremony in real-time. 


□ The ceremony consisted of the following events: a declaration of admission, the oath of the student representative, congratulatory addresses, the introduction of major department heads, singing of the school anthem, introduction of the student body, congratulatory performances from the major student clubs, and other congratulatory performances.


□ In preparing for the event, the Student Affairs Office aimed to create a casual atmosphere that veered away from the typical rigid atmosphere of university entrance ceremonies. President Lee and other key officials participated in the event in casual attire. Students attending the event either in person or offline expressed satisfaction with the new approach of the event.


□ Kim Joo-han, Dean of Student Affairs noted, “I am very happy that we are able to hold the entrance ceremony in person and online, despite the difficulties that COVID-19 poses.” He added, “I hope our freshmen realize their dreams.”


□ President Lee Dong-hoon stated, “SeoulTech is striving to achieve the dream of becoming a world-class, practical, research-oriented university.” He asked the students to "actively use the environment to study, challenge themselves, and grow.”






□ Counting its 112th anniversary as a national university of Seoul, SeoulTech is growing as a practical research university.




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