News 게시글 확인
Title SeoulTech Awarded the Committee of Education Chairman's Award at the 16th Korea Education Industry Awards
Writer admin ReadCount 932 Date 2022-01-24

SeoulTech Awarded the Committee of Education Chairman's Award at the 16th Korea Education Industry Awards

SeoulTech won the National Assembly’s Committee of Education Chairperson Award at the ‘Korea Education Industry Awards’ held at the Press Center in Jung-gu, Seoul on the 21st (Friday).


On the dayDean Jae-yong Seong attended the ceremony on behalf of President Lee Dong-hoon and was presented with the certificate and plaque.





Hosted by the Herald Co., Ltd. and organized by Power Korea, the ‘Korea Education Industry Awards’ awards educational institutions, companies, persons, and brands that provide excellent educational services in various categories . The award ceremony seeks to provide motivation for consistent quality development and boost the competitiveness of educational programs and products. Further, the ceremony strives to help educational consumers receive verified, high-quality education.

SeoulTech received the award in recognition of its continuous efforts, including the high-quality education assurance system, EPiC graduation requirements, discovery semesters, innovative educational efforts such as the BEAR+ program, various scholarships, and support programs for practical research projects.













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