News 게시글 확인
Title SeoulTech Holdings Investment Achieves 1100% Profit
Writer admin ReadCount 1006 Date 2022-01-21

SeoulTech Holdings Investment Achieves 1100% Profit

- SeoulTech Holdings Investment Achieves 1100% Profit
- Profits of 1100% made by selling stocks of Stans Co., Ltd.



□ Stans Co., Ltd. (CEO, Jeon Jihye), invested in by SeoulTech Holdings (CEO, Kim Jong-sun), was acquired by Hancom Intelligence Co., Ltd. (CEO, Ji Chang-gun), a consolidated subsidiary of Hancom MDS within the Hangul Computer Group.


□ SeoulTech achieved a 1100% rate of returns by selling a portion of its Stans shares.


□ CEO Kim Jong-sun stated that the profits “were the result of investment experience acquired by SeoulTech, and the continuous follow-up support for its investment companies.” Kim added that the company "will use the profit to invest more aggressively in startups this year."


□ SeoulTech Holdings was established in 2018 with the purpose of commercializing creative assets owned by SeoulTech (President, Lee Dong-hoon) and investing in start-ups.


□ Through the ‘DanB Program’, an investment and follow-up support program for promising start-ups, SeoulTech Holdings invested in eight companies. In addition, a university startup fund worth two billion won was formed and jointly managed (CO-GP), ultimately investing in six companies. The technology acquired by SeoulTech was transferred to small and medium enterprises and has been yielding notable results.






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