News 게시글 확인
Title Career Development Center at SeoulTech Conducts Semiconductor Process Practice FAB TOUR
Writer admin ReadCount 4341 Date 2023-07-31

[[For more information, please contact: Seo Yoo-jin, SeoulTech Career Development Center (☎ 02-970-9297)]


The Career Development Center at Seoul National University of Science and Technology (President Lee Dong-hoon, hereinafter referred to as SeoulTech) conducted the "2023 Semiconductor Process Practice FAB TOUR" on July 26th and 27th, with 60 participants.

This tour, which took place over two days, aimed to provide students from SeoulTech and local youth with practical knowledge and skills in the field of semiconductor manufacturing. The program was held in the cleanrooms of SeoulTech Techno Park FAB, an internal facility of SeoulTech.

Participants had the opportunity to enhance their practical knowledge and skills related to semiconductor processes, materials, and equipment through educational training.

Local youth who participated in this program shared positive feedback, stating, "Through the semiconductor practical skills program, we were able to see and confirm the theoretical education content in the actual semiconductor production process," and "Seeing the semiconductor equipment and processes in person was fascinating."
Byun Jae-won, Director of the Career Development Center at SeoulTech, commented, "SeoulTech's hub specialized programs are systematically designed to meet the demands of the semiconductor industry." He added, "We will continue to contribute to talent development by providing education in the FAB environment to local youth."

As part of this year's University Job Plus Center project, SeoulTech is operating a specialized program called "Semiconductor and Data Program" for local youth, consisting of three phases: Practical Competency Course, Internship Course, and Employability Course. Counseling for this program is ongoing.

In addition, in August, SeoulTech will conduct a semiconductor employability course program. Local youth can apply for career counseling to participate in various programs after registering as external members on SeoulTech's Career Development Center website (
Attached are four related photos.






The Semiconductor FAB TOUR for SeoulTech students and local youth.



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