News 게시글 확인
Title Startup Support Foundation rated 'Outstanding' in Pre-Startup Package Hosting Institution Performance uation
Writer SEOULTECH ReadCount 4401 Date 2022-10-30

- Success in prototyping and entrepreneurship achieved by all 56 pre-entrepreneurs in 2021

- Excellent results in relation to job creation, sales, and investment attraction






The Startup Support Foundation of Seoul National University of Science and Technology (SeoulTech) was rated ‘outstanding’ in the 2021 Pre-Startup Package Hosting Institution Performance uation.


Pre-Startup Package is a project to support successful startups and commercialization of pre-entrepreneurs with technological startup ideas, and the creation of high-quality jobs. The support includes commercialization funds (up to 100 million Korean won), entrepreneurship education, mentoring, market networking, and overseas expansion.







Selected in 2021 as a Pre-Startup Package hosting institution in the specialized field of green economy, the SeoulTech Startup Support Foundation supported 56 pre-entrepreneurs in achieving successful startups and commercialization. All of the pre-entrepreneurs successfully completed their prototyping and entrepreneurship, and achieved excellent results in job creation, sales, and investment attraction.


The SeoulTech Startup Support Foundation has provided members with practical and unswerving help across the entire startup process. A ‘Startup Town’ occupying about 4,760㎡ in three buildings has been configured, containing 14 labs and classrooms and 41 units of equipment.







232 Gongneung-ro, Nowon-gu, Seoul, 01811, korea
Tel : +82-2-970-6114,7114 Fax : +82-2-970-6088