News 게시글 확인
Title Alumnus of the month - Jongwook Kwon
Writer SEOULTECH ReadCount 317 Date 2022-10-30

- Department of Creative Writing ('08)  
- Current CEO of Maypharm 


"Don't be satisfied with the current environment as it is—let’s create an environment for ourselves."






It is important to be confident in your choices. With creativity and a frontier spirit, taking the road less traveled can lead to success.
In this day and age, it also takes courage to move in the opposite direction.


There is no reason to be intimidated just because most people look askance at the path you have chosen.
No one knows what the future holds. The choices you make in the moment may be significant decisions that will change your life forever. 









Often, people think that poverty locks someone in a certain mold and limits their imagination. I hope students will not waste their abilities in such a constricted framework but explore ways to cultivate added value through creative thinking. I believe that if you make the effort, your current life will become more controlled and positive.





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