News 게시글 확인
Title Professor Seanhay Kim of Architectural Engineering Program receivesthe 32nd Science and Technology Outstanding Paper Award
Writer SEOULTECH ReadCount 1477 Date 2022-09-07

Professor Seanhay Kim of Architectural Engineering Program receivesthe 32nd Science and Technology Outstanding Paper Award
Distinguished Award based on comprehensive evaluation of academic research by scientific technicians


     Professor Seanhay Kim of the Architectural Engineering Program won the 32nd Science and Technology Outstanding Paper Award at the ‘2022 Korea Science and Technology Annual Meeting’ held at the International Conference Hall of Science and Technology Center on Wednesday, June 29. The award was presented by the Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies and the Ministry of Science and ICT.

     The paper is titled “A Suggestion on BIM Mechanical Design Process and Level of Modeling Detail.” Professor Kim wrote the paper to contribute to the spread of smart construction technology by presenting a detailed standard of BIM (Building Information Modeling) at each design stage of architectural mechanical equipment for the reference of architects and builders in the field.

     The Science and Technology Outstanding Paper Award is given to scientific technicians who publish outstanding papers in Korean journals every year as part of their creative research activities. The recipient of this distinguished award is selected through an  absolute evaluation of papers published by 400 member societies affiliated with the Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies by both expert and comprehensive committees in each field.

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