News 게시글 확인
Title SeoulTech Opens a Virtual Exhibition Hall for the Achievements of “2021 National University Development Project”
Writer admin ReadCount 986 Date 2022-02-16

The SeoulTech National University Development Project Promotion Team (Director of Planning, Kim Jiyeon) opened a virtual exhibition hall that showcased the “2021 National University Development Project” for a week from February 14th to 21st.


The exhibition hall was an online space that efficiently explained the results of SeoulTech’s National University Development Project in 2021. SeoulTech prepared a place to share and spread both within and outside of the school the excellent results of 30 programs. Given the situation where offline events were difficult to hold, a virtual exhibition hall was prepared so that visitors could have a similar experience to participating in an in-person event.




SeoulTech’s National University Development Project received the highest grade (grade A) in the 2021 annual evaluations. Strengthening its role as a public university, the university has been leading in contributions to the balanced development of both local communities and the nation. Based on the following four foundational strategies, SeoulTech has been carrying out programs for the local community: sharing values through regional relationship-building, providing hope for educational services for balanced development, supporting the coexistence of education and research, and “Kium” that surpasses imagination, and the educational ecosystem cooperation platform, IUM.

The SeoulTech National University Development Project Team plans to continue to share and spread the excellent results of this project via online media. It will collect various opinions to understand lessons that can be reflect in upcoming projects during 2022.

■National University Promotion Project Performance Virtual Exhibition Hall Link:






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