Facility : Seoul National University of Science and Technology Library
Location :
Central Library (Building No. 34),
Central Library Annex (Building No. 35) Web page >
Central Library
Team Room No. Tel. No. Fax
Chief Librarian’s Office 310 02-970-9030  
Vice Chief’s Office 101 02-970-9051  
Academic Information Support Team 311 02-970-9031~4 02-970-9040
Academic Research Support Team 311 02-970-9036~7,9045  
Academic Information management Team Oriental Literature Library 205 02-970-9041~2  
Reference/Periodical Publication Library 306 02-970-9043, 9394  
Multimedia Room 301 02-970-9043  
Annex Library
Team Room No. Tel No. Fax
Academic Information management Team Western Literature Library Annex 101 02-970-9039,9044  
Annex Reference Library Annex 102
Established in April 1910 along with the founding of the Public Eouidong Industry Supplementary School, the Seoul National University of Science and Technology Library holds more than 609,000 books, 12,000 e-books, 440 local/foreign serial publications/academic journals, 23,260 audiovisual materials, and 58 local/foreign e-journals.

Completed in late 2004, the Central Library is a three-story building with a gross floor area of 9,281 m2 (2,807 pyeong). The library office and information processing center is located on the first floor, the Oriental literature library is on the second floor, and a multimedia room is on the third floor. As a building with a gross floor area of 4896.25 m² (1400 pyeong), the annex library was remodeled in 2011, and it now consists of a reference library, a Western literature library, a group study room, digital resources rooms, and reading rooms. For the past century, our library has contributed to academic teaching and R&D by collecting and organizing data required for academic research and learning by professors and students. We will continuously endeavor to develop as a library that is suitable for a knowledge-oriented society.
Main affairs
Academic Information Support Team 
Establishment of the library budget, the operation and management of library, personnel management, security and service, general affairs management, the purchase of books and other items, the purchase of academic journals and e-journals, and the purchase of equipment and supplies, classification and cataloging of books.
Academic Information management Team
Book rental/return management, acquisition and arrangement of new books, thesis management, mutual loan/original document copy service, management of local/foreign publications and journals, management of defaulters and students on leave/returning to school, management of library visitor barcode, operation/management of the multimedia room, and handling of online complaints and information services
Academic Research Support Team
Planning and operation of research support services, management and analysis of research results, subscription of electronic information sources.t
Additional information
Service Schedule
On semester
Room No. Weekdays Saturdays Sundays and Holidays
Oriental Literature Library 9:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m. Closed Closed
Western literature library (annex) 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Closed Closed
Reference/Periodical Publication Library 9:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m. Closed Closed
Multimedia Room 9:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m. Closed Closed
General Reading Room 1 6:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. 6:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. 6:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Laptop Room 1 6:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. 6:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. 6:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
General Reading Room 2 24 hr 24 hr 24 hr
Laptop Room 2 24 hr 24 hr 24 hr
Annex Group Study Room 9:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m. Closed Closed
On Vacation
Room No. Weekdays Saturdays Sundays and Holidays
Oriental Literature Library 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Closed Closed
Western Literature Library (Annex) 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Closed Closed
Reference/Periodical Publication Library 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Closed Closed
Multimedia Room 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Closed Closed
General Reading Room 1 Closed Closed Closed
Laptop Room 1 Closed Closed Closed
General Reading Room 2 24 hr 24 hr 24 hr
Laptop Room 2 24 hr 24 hr 24 hr
Annex Group Study Room 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Closed Closed
(However, the temporary closure of library, book rental, and opening hours can be revised by the chief librarian, if necessary.)
Facility Information
Building Area (m2) Number of Reading Room Seats Number of Books
14,177.36 (Central Library)
4,896.25 (Annex)
Library Use
Room No. Central Library (F) Annex Library (F) Access
General Reference Library Oriental Literature Library 2F  
  • - Rented books may be taken outside the library premises.
  • - Free open-access system
  • - Books found through search/personal PC at a book rental window may be rented
Western Literature Library   1F
Annex Reference Library   1F
Reference/Periodical Publication Library 3F  
  • - Books may not be taken outside the library premises
  • - Equipped with various reference data, such as encyclopedias, almanacs, handbooks, statistical data, maps, biographical dictionaries, special dictionaries, dictionaries for various languages, Master’s / Ph.D. degree theses, local/foreign university catalogs
  • - A scanner/automatic copy machine may be used
  • - Past editions of periodical publications are bound and arranged in bookshelves
Multimedia Room 3F  
  • - Rental is prohibited.
  • - Video lectures may be viewed via the Internet and CD/DVD/VTR materials may be used.
  • - Available personal spaces for PC users
  • - Free use of DVD/Video materials
General Reading Room
Laptop Room Annex Study Room
  1–2 floors
  • - Open 24 hr for academic/research activities; free to use from 6:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m.
  • - Personal belongings may be brought into the room.
  • - Food and drinks are not allowed.
Types of materials
General books
Various books related to major courses, cultural classes, and leisure are provided in the reference library.
Reference books
The reference library is equipped with encyclopedias, language dictionaries, directories, statistical data, almanacs, handbooks, and maps. Students can freely read and copy materials based on the free open-access system of the library. However, books cannot be rented outside the library.
Periodical publications
Various periodical publications, including local/foreign academic journals, cultural magazines, university publications, and newspapers, are provided. However, outside rental is prohibited.
Thesis (collection)
Thesis collections and master’s/Ph.D. degree papers published by local universities are provided in the periodical publication library. However, outside rental is prohibited.
Electronic information center (e-journal, web DB, and e-books)
Search engine services are provided to allow students to conduct an integrated search for all e-journals that are under a subscription contract with the library.
  • - E-Journal (Korean and International): An access environment for providing local/foreign e-journals subscribed to by school
  • - Web DB (Korean and International): An access environment for providing local/foreign web DB subscribed to by school (including academic DB)
  • - E-Book: An access environment for using e-books subscribed to by the school
Material classification, loans, and returns
To loan general reference books from the library, users must use the search PC to check the location of the book. After retrieving the book from the bookshelf, they must present the book with the student ID at the rental window for computer processing.
Borrowed books must be returned within the deadline. If the return date is a holiday, students must return the borrowed book on the following day.
To extend the loan period, students must visit the reference library before the return date and present their student ID.
(Library Web Page → Login → My Library → Current Loans → Extension)
Sanctions for overdue books
If the rented book is not returned within the deadline, the book rent will be suspended for the same period as the overdue period.
If the delinquency exceeds 30 days, additional library use and issuance of various certificates will be restricted.
Compensation for the loss of or damage to books
  • - Rented books that are lost or damaged must be replaced with the same book.
  • - If the relevant book cannot be obtained, the user must replace the book with the latest edition of a similar book.
  • - Library use and certificate issuance may be restricted until compensation is fully made for the lost or damaged books.
Other information
Suggest book purchase
  • - Use the search function on the library home page to check whether the library possesses a certain book and suggest the purchase of a book that is not available.
  • - You can check whether the relevant book has been purchased via the Library Home Page → My Library → Suggest Book Purchase.
If the required material is not available in the library
  • - To view the required material in another university library, print the “application form for viewing materials in another university’s library” found at the library home page, and present it to the relevant institution.
  • - You can check the availability of the material via Korea Education and Research Information Service (KERIS): http://www.riss.kr.
Mutual loan/copy of an original text
  • - Provision of academic journals (paper/online), master’s/Ph.D. degree theses, and books unavailable at our library through a mutual loan service between libraries
  • - Library Web Page → Library Services → Research and Learning Assistance → Original Text Copy Service
232 Gongneung-ro, Nowon-gu, Seoul, 01811, korea
Tel : +82-2-970-6114,7114 Fax : +82-2-970-6088