News 게시글 확인
Title SeoulTech Receives the Excellent University in Educational Capability Award by Korea University News
Writer 오세창 ReadCount 1231 Date 2020-11-10

SeoulTech Receives the Excellent University in Educational Capability Award by Korea University News
Efforts to cultivate future professionals such as establishing the Artificial Intelligence Applications Major in 2021


SeoulTech received the Excellent University in Educational Capability Award at the 2020 Korea University News University Awards on October 22 (Thursday) at the Plaza Hotel in Jung-gu, Seoul.


SeoulTech has provided students with the opportunity to explore and study their future career, academics and the future of society and is working to cultivate future forward ‘Value Pathfinders’ by providing them with diverse educational platforms and programs in which they can proactively plan and act on their desired activities.


Moreover, SeoulTech has strived continuously to cultivate future professionals and allow students to adapt to changes in society due to the 4th Industrial Revolution by establishing the Maker’s College and the Artificial Intelligence Applications Major starting from 2021.




It also developed the Triple Blended Learning Method which uses online pre-recorded courses, virtual live courses and offline courses together. TBL played a key role in successfully providing students last semester at a time in which online courses were required for all courses. With TBL, more than 10,000 students were able to take courses without any difficulty and SeoulTech was able to receive the highest satisfaction rates in SeoulTech’s history during the first semester.


Research and Planning Vice President Kim Sun Min said, “SeoulTech has always strived to create a strong educational environment and a sustainable cyclical process that creates progress. We have used the TBL type educational method for the last several years in which online recorded courses, live virtual courses and offline courses were each used equally. Thanks to this method, we did not face any difficulties during the COVID-19 crisis and received our highest to date course satisfaction rates during the first semester. We believe that this symbolizes TBL’s successful implementation and as a result, we also received the Excellent University in Virtual Courses by the Ministry of Education during the first semester. We will continue to strengthen our educational capabilities in the future.”



The 2020 Korea University News University Awards is hosted by the Korea University News which celebrates its 32nd anniversary this year. This year’s awards reviewed universities in 10 areas such as innovative projects/industrial academic cooperation, future educational innovation and educational specialization with twelve general universities, seven professional universities and one virtual university receiving honors.



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