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Title SeoulTech Library and Literary Community BokBboomBboom Hosts a Literary PT Competition
Writer admin ReadCount 1189 Date 2020-01-30

SeoulTech Library and Literary Community BokBboomBboom Hosts a Literary PT Competition
The Glasses Fire Fist team wins top prize for their debate presentation on Declaration of an Individualist

The SeoulTech Library hosted the 2019 second semester literary community BokBboomBboom’s literary presentation competition at the ST Art Hall located on the first floor of the Central Library on December 4, 2019 at 5:30PM.


The literary community group Bokbboombboom was started in the second semester of 2018, with the first Bboom meaning debate and the second Bboom meaning friends, as a group for students who love reading to create teams and debate about the books that they read. They select members every semester and 166 students divided into 32 teams took part in this community group during the second semester of 2019.


The literary presentation competition determines the best team of the semester and it is hosted to promote community activities and to allow prospective members to participate in the future.



29 of the 32 teams participated in the first round of the competition with 9 teams being chosen to present their debate content. The top prize went to the Glasses Fire Fist team that presented their debate content on ‘Declaration of an Individualist’ and received a certificate of 400,000 KRW in addition to the awards that were given to all 9 teams.



The participating students shared that they were glad to be given an opportunity to debate and offer their opinions with students from other majors as well as being provided with funding to read the books that they wanted without having to worry about financial burdens.



The next BokBboomBboom teams will be selected during the first semester of 2020 from the end of February through the beginning of March.



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