News 게시글 확인
Title Yoon Ji-yeong, Visual Design Major at the College of Art and Design, Wins “Best of the Best” at Red Dot Award 2024
Writer admin ReadCount 1279 Date 2024-10-22

Yoon Ji-yeong, a visual design major in the Department of Design at the College of Art and Design, received the “Best of the Best” award in the Design Concept category at the Red Dot Award 2024.


Held in Singapore on Oct. 10, the Red Dot Award is recognized as one of the top three global design awards, alongside Germany’s iF Design Award and the United States’ IDEA. Yoon, Seoul Tech’s undergraduate majoring in visual design, participated in the competition through the Korea Institute of Design Promotion’s Korea Design Membership Plus (KDM+).


Her winning design, Nolly, is a device aimed at enhancing children’s sensory engagement with nature. It encourages indoor-accustomed children to play outdoors and develop various sensory skills. With a detachable stamp, children can observe and scan plants in natural settings. Upon returning home, they can reconnect the stamp to a circular reader to revisit the scanned plants, reinforcing their nature-connected senses through repeated sessions.






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