News 게시글 확인
Title Seoul National University of Science and Technology to receive more than KRW 70 billion in research grants in 2023
Writer admin ReadCount 2702 Date 2023-12-27

[Contact] Dong Hoon Lee, Director of Research Support at the Industry-Academic Cooperation Group, and Sook Yeon Seo, Manager, Seoul National University of Science and Technology (☎ 02-970-9093)



Seoul National University of Science and Technology to receive more than KRW 70 billion in research grants in 2023
- Acquired KRW 70 billion in external research grants in 2023
- Demonstrated rapid growth of KRW 10 billion for 5 consecutive years

□ As of December 2023, Seoul National University of Science and Technology (SeoulTech, President Dong Hwan Kim) has surpassed a total of 70 billion KRW in external research funding for the current year. This marks a steep growth rate of 10 billion KRW per year since the university surpassed 50 billion KRW in external research grants in 2021.
□ SeoulTech's growth in external research grants is outstanding compared to other universities.
  ◦ According to the analysis results presented in the Ministry of Education's August disclosure of university information, the overall research funding growth rate for general and education universities based on the previous year's data is 8.6%. However, SeoulTech has demonstrated a formidable growth rate of 16.3% in research funding over the past year, surpassing the national university average by nearly double.

  ◦ It's noteworthy that SeoulTech’s growth has been continuous since 2020, indicating it is not a one time development.
□ The continuous growth in research funding at SeoulTech serves as quantitative evidence of the school’s outstanding research capabilities. SeoulTech has garnered positive recognition in both research and industry circles, and this recent development is expected to further solidify its reputation.
□ The factors contributing to SeoulTech’s success can be attributed to its strong capabilities in the field of industry-academic collaboration, an area it excels in. Recent improvements in research capabilities, facilitated by the appointment of outstanding faculty members and university-wide efforts to adapt to the 4th Industrial Revolution, have created a synergistic effect for a cycle of continuous growth.
□ The contents of various large-scale research projects secured by SeoulTech reflect the university's abilities for keeping up with the times.
  ◦ SeoulTech has received substantial support from the Ministry of Science and ICT for various research projects, including 2 billion KRW over 4 years for the PIM Artificial Intelligence Semiconductor Core Technology Development Project, 1.3 billion KRW over 3 years for the Realistic Content Core Technology Project, 1.15 billion KRW for the Science and Security Public Research Performance Project, and 7.5 billion KRW over 8 years for the Information and Communication Broadcasting Innovative Talent Development (R&D) Project.

  ◦ In addition, SeoulTech also leads research in the semiconductor and defense sectors, which will be Korea's future industries, by receiving a total of 3 billion KRW over 5 years through a core technology R&D project from the Korea Research Institute for Defense Technology Planning and Advancement and about 2 billion KRW over 2 years in research funding from the Armed Forces Financial Management Corps.
□ In addition, SeoulTech’s Industry-Academic Cooperation Group provides support to faculty members with excellent research performance through the 'Support Project for Outstanding Research Professors' and 'Research Support Project for Post-doctoral Research Professors', and supports new researchers to quickly settle into a new research environment through the 'Step-UP Research Equipment Support Project for New Professors'.
□ Additionally, through the "Support Project for Future Talent Development," SeoulTech provides full-tuition scholarships to full-time graduate students, contributing to the creation of a stable research environment for graduate students. These initiatives altogether establish a systematic and sustainable research support system and foster a cycle of support for external research growth.
□ Professor Dong Ho Kim, who serves as the Director of Research at SeoulTech and the Head of the Industry-Academic Cooperation Group at SeoulTech, stated, "The continuous growth in research funding reflects our university's outstanding research capabilities, both internally and externally. Moving forward, we will leverage these strengths to contribute to the development of science and technology in Korea. All members at SeoulTech will strive to lead research in the 4th Industrial Revolution."

Attached: 1 relevant image. End.



▲ SeoulTech TechnoCube panorama






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