News 게시글 확인
Title SeoulTech selected for 'Innovative Talent Nurturing Project for the field of Hydrogen Fuel Cells'
Writer SEOULTECH ReadCount 327 Date 2022-10-28

- Fostering specialized future talent to help lead the Fourth Industrial Revolution 
- Cultivating 80 students in the field of hydrogen fuel cells each year through 2024 







 Seoul National University of Science and Technology (SeoulTech) has been selected to participate in the 'Innovative Talent Nurturing Project for the field of Hydrogen Fuel Cells.' The project is a ministry-cooperative talent nurturing project promoted by the Ministry of Education in connection with the autonomous innovation plan of the 2022–2024 University Innovation Support Project. SeoulTech’s participation in the project is through a consortium formed with Ajou University (host university) and Chung-Ang University.


 The project seeks to support the fostering of innovative talent and university specialization in new industries. By establishing a training system for human resources in the hydrogen industry in order to facilitate curriculum development and inter-university cooperation, the project aims to annually cultivate over 80 outstanding talented individuals in the hydrogen industry by 2024.


 Having established the Department of Future Energy Convergence in 2022, SeoulTech is striving to foster convergent engineering manpower able to lead the promising energy industry, both domestically and abroad, by instituting a curriculum that can simultaneously cultivate socio-scientific knowledge and engineering expertise.


 "With the 'Innovative Talent Nurturing Project for the field of Hydrogen Fuel Cells,’ we will change the paradigm not through competition, but through sharing and cooperation between universities, and create a higher education ecosystem that helps students grow together," commented SeoulTech University President Donghoon Lee.

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