News 게시글 확인
Title ‘SEOULTECH Forest (Education Program for Parents),’ a place for open communication with parents, holds its first launching ceremony
Writer SEOULTECH ReadCount 458 Date 2022-10-27

- Forming a community for parents of SeoulTech students 

- Develoing shared growth of parents and communities through SeoulTech’s human/material infrastructure 





 On Wednesday, July 13th, Seoul National University of Science and Technology (SeoulTech) held its launching ceremony for ‘SEOULTECH Forest (Education Program for Parents),’ an educational program for students’ parents. SuPPE is an abbreviation for ‘Supporting Program for Parents Education’ and carries the phonetic meaning of forest. The event took place on campus in Sangsang Hall.


 As a program aimed at strengthening communication between SeoulTech and parents, ‘SEOULTECH Forest (Education Program for Parents)’ provides parents of enrolled students with information related to their child’s education.


 University President Donghoon Lee, Vice President of Academic Affairs Sunghwan Kim, and Vice President of Research and Planning Affairs Mijung Park were in attendance. The event offered a variety of activities for parents, including a special lecture on communication, a tour of college facilities, a pottery making class, ‘Make Your Own Pottery’, and the ‘Beta Mom Project for My Children.’






 Recruitment for the second round of ‘SEOULTECH Forest (Education Program for Parents)’ will take place Tuesday, August 16th to Friday, September 16th. Applications can be submitted through the SeoulTech parent portal site, with spots available on a first-come, first-served basis. The program is held on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month from 11:00 to 14:00.


 This program helps SeoulTech form a community for parents of enrolled students and fulfill its commitment as a national university that contributes to the local community.

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