News 게시글 확인
Title New Materials Engineering Major Alumni Dr. Koo Bon Yool Joins Postdoctoral Research Position at Oxford University
Writer admin ReadCount 1519 Date 2019-09-30

New Materials Engineering Major Alumni Dr. Koo Bon Yool Receives Postdoctoral Research Position at Oxford University
Wrote 29 SCI(E) theses while completing undergraduate, master’s and doctorate degrees at SeoulTech


In October 2019, SeoulTech New Materials Engineering major alumni Dr. Koo Bon Yool (Advising Professor Ahn Hyo Jin) will join the University of Oxford’s Department of Materials as a postdoctoral researcher.


▲Oxford University


Postdoctoral positions are defined as the continuing of research activities at universities, research institutes and corporations after receiving a doctorate degree and before working as a professional.


SeoulTech alumni Dr. Koo Bon Yool started his degree in New Materials Engineering in 2007 and began research at the Energy Materials Laboratory in 2011 (Advising Professor Ahn Hyo Jin). He completed his undergraduate (New Materials Engineering), master’s (New Materials Engineering) and doctorate (Bioengineering-Biomaterials) degrees at SeoulTech.


▲Dr. Koo Bon Yool


Under advising professor Ahn Hyo Jin, Dr. Koo conducted research on transparent electrical materials and electrochromic devices for several years and received his doctorate degree after researching unrefined tungsten (WO3) and FTO materials for high performance electrochromic devices in 2019.


Dr. Koo wrote 29 SCI(E) theses while completing his degrees at SeoulTech under Professor Ahn Hyo Jin.



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