News 게시글 확인
Title SeoulTech hosts interactive online live broadcast, “Make Your Own Pottery”
Writer admin ReadCount 792 Date 2022-01-19

SeoulTech hosts interactive online live broadcast, “Make Your Own Pottery”

- SeoulTech contributes to the development of children's creative expression through the Department of Ceramic’s Creativity School
- Serving the local community as a national university



□ SeoulTech (President, Lee Dong-hoon) held an online interactive 'Make Your Own Pottery' class with the local community at 10 am, Wednesday, January 19 (Wednesday) at the university’s ST studio.


□ The event was prepared as a program by the SeoulTech Department of Ceramics’ Creativity School. The event seeks to help develop the creative expression of children in Nowon-gu, where the university is located.
◦ Held every summer and winter vacation since 2017, the Creativity School is a part of the Ministry of Education’s national university development project. The program targets elementary school students in Nowon-gu, with SeoulTech students teaching classes in the arts and sciences.
◦ The course conducted through the live broadcast was the third out of six classes. The participating children were guided by Professor Yujeong Yu of the Department of Ceramics and student tutors, in learning basic ceramic skills and creative processes. 


□ Moderated by announcer Hee-kyung Han, the course brought together local elementary school students, parents, residents, and ceramic art students.
◦ Under the theme of ‘creating the house I want to live in,’ students created three-dimensional representations of houses that were designed on two-dimensional surfaces.  
◦ With the help of ceramic arts student tutors, children experienced the process of creating their dream house with clay. 


□ Viewers who participated in the live broadcast also expressed satisfaction, stating that it was a valuable use of time in which they could learn about the Creativity School and the Department of Ceramics at SeoulTech.


□ The program was broadcast live through the SeoulTech YouTube channel and can be accessed by the public.


□ Meanwhile, through a live broadcast of 'SeoulTech Live Commerce,’ SeoulTech is preparing to sell a premium pure vegetable oyster sauce made with domestic seaweed extract at 2 pm on Friday, February 4th.









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