News 게시글 확인
Title SeoulTech Establishes the High Quality Education Assurance System
Writer admin ReadCount 1157 Date 2020-11-10

SeoulTech Increases the Quality of Education through the High Quality Education Assurance System
Based on experience and confidence in leading high quality engineering education through the nation’s first implementation of capstone design and other efforts


SeoulTech (President Lee Dong Hoon) will lead the effort to improve innovative educational quality once again. SeoulTech, which has led engineering education through implementations of capstone design*, TBL* courses and other efforts, will establish and operate the High Quality Education Assurance System to improve its education quality even further.


The High Quality Education Assurance System is a system created to further enhance students’ educational satisfaction and increase the quality of courses provided by returning students’ tuition fees for courses that fall below a certain level in their end of the semester course reviews. Based on the 2020 academic year, SeoulTech created and operated 2,500 courses per semester including 600 graduate school courses. SeoulTech has 8 undergraduate colleges and 7 graduate schools with approximately 15,000 undergraduate and graduate school students attending with 70% of the students in engineering.

As the only national university in Seoul and the leading provider of engineering education, SeoulTech’s intent in pursuing such an innovative system is in their confidence in operating a sustainable learning cycle that brings the educational and research capabilities of its students and faculty, its state-of-the-art educational environment and practical research results back into education.

SeoulTech was the first national university to implement capstone design in 1994 and contributed to its nationwide use among universities. It has built one of the top experimental and practical experience infrastructures and operates a professional practical experience laboratory system in addition to creating the All-Semester Design Based Learning program, an advanced version of capstone design education, which started in 2014. It has also implemented Triple Blended Learning and other innovative virtual education programs with plans to expand such initiative to all courses.


*Capstone Design: An educational program that allows engineering students to personally experience the process of planning, designing and creating a project instead of writing a thesis in order to provide them with the ability to experience the problems faced in real-world industrial settings.


*TBL: An educational method focused on the student using a combination of live virtual courses, offline courses and online courses.

Thanks to its continuous efforts, SeoulTech was selected as the Exemplary University for Virtual Classes for the First Semester of the 2020 Academic Year last August by the Ministry of Education. SeoulTech was selected for its excellence in ▲building and operating a virtual course system and ▲communication with its students with additional significance in its ability to do so while other universities were undergoing difficulties in creating new educational methods during the COVID-19 crisis.

SeoulTech decided to initiate its High Quality Education Assurance System based on its experience and systems in education, teaching personnel with practical research and educational capabilities in leading educational innovation over the years.


President Lee Dong Hoon said,”The new High Quality Education Assurance System will provide increased student satisfaction and present a new direction in university education in the post COVID-19 era.”


Specific details regarding the tuition refunds and size of the High Quality Education Assurance System is being discussed through meetings with student leaders, the Communication Committee and will be decided on through a process in which all SeoulTech members can participate in.



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