이전달 2024.10 다음달
Date Schedule Description
2024.10.01 ~ 10.01 1/4 point in the no. of lessons for fall semester
2024.10.09 ~ 10.09 1/3 point in the no. of lessons for fall semester
2024.10.11 ~ 10.11 1st General Graduation Examination (Undergraduate)
2024.10.19 ~ 10.19 Summer semester and Discovery semester 2025 [College of Multidisciplinary Studies toward Future : Summer school] (Undergraduate) (Schedule announced separately)
2024.10.28 ~ 10.28 1/2 point in the no. of lessons for fall semester
2024.10.31 ~ 11.06 Course withdrawal period for fall semester
[학사일정 공유]
공유할 캘린더 계정을 선택하세요
232 Gongneung-ro, Nowon-gu, Seoul, 01811, korea
Tel : +82-2-970-6114,7114 Fax : +82-2-970-6088