News 게시글 확인
Title SeoulTech Hosts a Special Lecture with Midas IT CEO Lee Hyung Woo
Writer admin ReadCount 1802 Date 2019-04-02

SeoulTech Hosts a Special Lecture with Midas IT CEO Lee Hyung Woo
Success is the result of small progress



SeoulTech hosted a special lecture with Midas IT CEO Lee Hyung Woo on March 28th at the 100th Anniversary Hall.


Midas IT is known as Korea’s Google and is a global company that has the highest overseas revenue of domestic packaged software companies that develop and distribute CAE software products.


The special lecture was hosted by SeoulTech’s Personnel Development Center in order to help students preparing to apply to Midas IT and relevant industries to start their career.



The lecture began with an introduction of Midas IT and career opportunities with CEO Lee Hyung Woo sharing his thoughts on the type of candidates they were looking for (positive, proactive, strategic and diligent).


CEO Lee Hyung Woo said that giving positivity and trust to people allows them to be more passionate about what they are doing and enables others to create their own strategies and apply them in their careers.


CEO Lee Hyung Woo said that this kind of mechanism for success leads to great success with bigger opportunities and recognition if repeated on a regular basis. He shared that the small progress that comes with opportunity, achievement and recognition, repeatedly leads to success.


He also shared stories of his childhood, school experience and youth and advised students to move beyond the situation and environment they were given. He said, “There is always an opportunity that is waiting if you work hard with passion in any situation you are given.”



In addition, he said that anyone can make special results if they put forth effort using even ordinary opportunities. He ended the lecture by saying that crisis and opportunity can always be changed and asked students to not avoid their hardships but to overcome them.



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