News 게시글 확인
Title SeoulTech Overseas Volunteer Team Provides Cultural Exchanges and Performs Volunteer Work in Vietnam
Writer admin ReadCount 1789 Date 2019-02-28

SeoulTech Overseas Volunteer Team Provides Cultural Exchanges and Performs Volunteer Work in Vietnam
Conducted a volunteer program providing educational volunteer work courses related to Korean, the arts, music, physical education, technical (water and energy) areas


The SeoulTech (President Kim Jong Ho) Overseas Volunteer Team visited Vietnam from January 5 - 16 and provided volunteer services and conducted a cultural exchange event.




The SeoulTech Volunteer Team was comprised of 29 SeoulTech students and 8 faculty members and visited the Thai Ngyuen province in Vietnam and conducted a volunteer program providing courses related to Korean language, the arts, music, physical education, technical (water and energy) areas.
The team   did educational volunteering at the DoiCan Primary School and technical volunteering at Luong Ngoc Quyen High School.
SeoulTech student Jung Min Ji, who participated in the art educational team, wrote her thoughts on the volunteer experience below:



Overseas volunteer work was something that I had always wanted to do during my college experience. Although it was only for twelve days, I was moved, even after returning from Vietnam – especially from the warmth of the Vietnamese people. The Vietnamese people were grateful for the SeoulTech team’s volunteer work and we did not experience any challenges during our time there. Although we went to Vietnam to volunteer, I think that I gained more from the experience than I was able to give and learned a lot from the students at DoiCan Primary School as well as my fellow SeoulTech team members.


I learned to be thankful from the children that we assisted, who were grateful for even the smallest of things in life. Also, I learned more about the meaning of volunteer work from my team members who would tirelessly go about their volunteer work.


The Vietnam volunteer program provided me with some relief from the stress that I faced before graduating and it was satisfying to be a part of a meaningful project before ending my college experience. I thank SeoulTech and the faculty members who created this great opportunity and I hope that the underclassmen are able to experience more of such projects in the future.



▲ DoiCan Primary School educational volunteer work



▲ Cultural exchange with Luong Ngoc Quyen High School

In addition, the SeoulTech Vietnam Overseas Volunteer Team also signed an MOU with the Hanoi University of Industry during its visit.

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