News 게시글 확인
Title SeoulTech Selected for the 2020 High School Education Contribution University Support Project
Writer admin ReadCount 2176 Date 2020-08-05

SeoulTech Selected for the 2020 High School Education Contribution University Support Project
Contributions to Fair University Admissions and Strong High School Education Conditions


SeoulTech was selected for the 2020 High School Education Contribution University Support Project by the Ministry of Education and the Korea University Education Committee on May 28.
The High School Education Contribution University Support Project is a project selecting universities that contribute to fair university admissions and a high school educational system with a strong educational program.



The selection process was based on each university’s project plans and admissions plans for 2022 freshmen. The process involved reviewing fair admissions practices and expanding the simplification of admissions and transparency, social responsibility, project operations plans, etc.


SeoulTech will receive 700 million KRW as part of its selection for the project. It intends to use the funds to create schoolwork support for disadvantaged students and to expand fair admissions programs and diverse projects with high schools, such as practice exams, university major experiences, academies for parents, etc.


SeoulTech has continued to focus on managing its admissions program to increase fairness, predict the number of students entering universities, and provide diverse information on admissions. SeoulTech will select more than 16.7% of its students from disadvantaged backgrounds and has received positive reviews for its efforts to expand educational opportunities as a national university.



President Lee Dong Hoon said, “SeoulTech will always put transparency and fairness first in dealing with admissions and has continued to expand its offerings of opportunities for high school students to explore different majors and discover new paths forward for their future. We will continue to contribute to public education and alleviate any difficulties students may face during the admissions process.”




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