News 게시글 확인
Title SeoulTech and Peru Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería (UNI) Create a Cyber Security Major and Support Local Community Education Programs
Writer admin ReadCount 2379 Date 2020-03-30

SeoulTech and Peru Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería (UNI) Create a Cyber Security Major and Support Local Community Education Programs
Cooperating to enhance Peru’s UNI and create a self-sustaining foundation


▲ SeoulTech officials visiting the Peru Embassy


SeoulTech was selected for the Ministry of Education’s 2020 International Cooperation Pioneer University Project (Project Head: Electronics IT Media Engineering Major Professor Jung Tae Ho / Project Period: April 1, 2020 ~ March 31, 2027). The university will collaborate with Peru’s Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería (UNI) in creating a cybersecurity major and contributing to local community education programs focusing on vocational education.


The International Cooperation Pioneer University Project was created to further enhance the capabilities of universities in developing nations selected by the OECD DAC and 24 main cooperating nations. Another goal of the undertaking is to build a self-sustaining foundation with SeoulTech working alongside the Korean Embassy in Peru to support Peru’s UNI. UNI is a national engineering university located in the Peruvian capital city of Lima. 


SeoulTech will support the creation of a five-year major program with engineering certification for 50 undergraduate students and 15 teaching staff. SeoulTech’s Computer Engineering Major and Cybersecurity related majors of Maker’s College will contribute the necessary resources to create a cybersecurity education program and curriculum. To provide support with courses, SeoulTech faculty members will visit Peru.


SeoulTech Research and Planning Vice President Kim Sun Min said, “We will work effortlessly to strengthen the role and professionalism of SeoulTech through the international cooperation project. We will also make a strong effort to increase our exchanges with universities in South America with the cooperation of the Korean Embassy in Peru.”




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