News 게시글 확인
Title SeoulTech Hosts the 2019 SeoulTech Intelligent Robots Competition
Writer admin ReadCount 1887 Date 2019-11-26

SeoulTech Hosts the 2019 SeoulTech Intelligent Robots Competition


The RnD Bookworm Team received the President’s Award at Asia’s largest robot exhibition competition, which was hosted at SeoulTech from October 10th to October 12th at the Ilsan KINTEX Exhibition Hall 1.


SeoulTech hosted the SeoulTech Intelligent Robots Competition from October 10 to October 12 at the Ilsan KINTEX Exhibition Hall 1.


SeoulTech, along with the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Resources, and the Korea Robotics Industry Commission, hosted Asia’s largest robotics exhibition competition. The President of the Republic of Korea Award, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Korea Award, and the Minister of Industry, Trade and Resources Award were presented to participants who ranged from students to citizens. The competition is a national-scale competition with the purpose of promoting SeoulTech engineering education and industrial development.





The competition included disparate fields, such as humanoid robot sports and intelligent wrestling robots. The largest national humanoid robot sports match involved 4 areas in intelligence, 5 areas in control, and 3 areas in national country vs country rounds. Intelligent wrestling robots is a dynamic game involving different types of robots that fight each other in a 2x2 m arena. In addition, there was a game that engaged intelligent creation and tested the movements of freeform creative robots. Another game had mobile robots in a game of autonomous control within an arena. Finally, youth robots were involved in a game of unmanned transportation missions, technical challenges, and robot team plays.



Heo Ki Kang, Shin Hee Woong, and Kim Ji Soo received the President’s Award for Intelligent Humanoid Robot Sports in the High Tech League. Heo, Shin, and Kim are Mechanical System Design Engineering and Mechanical Design Automotive Engineering Program students.

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