News 게시글 확인
Title SeoulTech Selected for the Smart Energy Town (University Focused Research Center) Support Project
Writer admin ReadCount 2503 Date 2019-06-30

 SeoulTech Selected for the Smart Energy Town (University Focused Research Center) Support Project
- Nine-year research project on smart buildings, renewable energy, ESS, electric vehicle charging and automated driving starting in 2019
- SeoulTech is expected to contribute to the commercialization of fusion models, grow college ventures and assist in the development of small and mid-size enterprises


□ SeoulTech was selected for the 2019 Engineering University Focused Research Center Support Project by the Ministry of Education and the Korea Research Foundation on May 29th.
○ The Ministry of Education conducted a review of multiple universities on their long-term plans for development, potential to grow into a local research center, the achievements of the research faculty and other factors, and selected 22 research centers.


□ The SeoulTech Electrical Information Technology Institute was selected for the support project as one of its Smart Energy Towns, and the institute will begin to hire and train researchers and assistants focused on smart grids, energy and automated driving.
○ The Smart Energy Town Platform uses intelligent IoT sensors for university building lighting, electrical outlets, air conditioning and heating equipment, etc. and is a unified energy management system which relies on a cloud-based network to provide wireless monitoring and management. Through big data analysis, up to 30% any unnecessary electricity used can be saved, and with the use of solar, wind, Energy Storage System (ESS) and electric vehicles, usage of electricity and peak electricity usage can be decreased. 
○ Beginning in 2019, SeoulTech will use government support funds of 770 million won and a total of approximately 7 billion won to invest in the establishment of a cloud-based energy block fusion type smart energy town platform and increase our cooperation with domestic and international institutions and companies to strengthen our response to climate change and lead in the energy sector.


□ Electrical Information Technology Research Institute Professor Lee Young Il, who leads the Smart Energy Town project, said, “We will involve undergraduate and graduate students in the beginning of our research and train them to be leaders in the 4th Industrial Revolution. We are already working with 12 companies who have signed agreements for collaboration and we will create a leading smart energy town platform in addition to research achievements and commercialization efforts.”
○ Anygate (operating software), Moderntech (electric vehicle charging), Destin Power, Seochang Electrics (ESS, smart meters), ChargeIn (mobile charging), Easy Saver, Unilux (smart lighting, electrical outlets), Springcloud (automated driving), Mirae Tech (wind power), Ncored (big data) and Daekyung ENG (electric vehicle manufacturing) are some of the participating companies.
○ SeoulTech will make efforts to commercialize smart electric vehicle charging and automated driving technology in order to help university students and those unable to travel in their daily lives.


□ SeoulTech President Kim Jong Ho said, “Our selection for this project will provide us with a foundation on which to develop key technologies and academic research with the support of the government. It is meaningful to both the university and the companies involved to be able to develop actual products and create new jobs through collaboration with our students. We will continue to use our funds to gain more professional research professors to succeed with our research.”



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