News 게시글 확인
Title SeoulTech Hosts 2019 Homecoming Day
Writer admin ReadCount 1541 Date 2019-05-31

SeoulTech Hosts 2019 Homecoming Day
Attended by approximately 400 guests including President Kim Jong Ho, Alumni Association President Na Gi Sun, alumni, and faculty members


SeoulTech hosted the 2019 Homecoming Day event at the school auditorium on April 26th to celebrate the university’s 109th anniversary and all university members’ contributions to the development of the institution. Before the main event was held, a homecoming event was held by each major department to discuss ways to develop each major. 



The event was attended by approximately 400 people including President Kim Jong Ho, Alumni Association President Na Gi Sun, Alumni Association Vice President Kim Sung Kwan, Alumni Association Vice President Chae Su Dae, alumni, and faculty members.



The event opened with a Nanta performance by Yeowoorak and opening speeches by President Kim Jong Ho and Alumni Association President Na Gi Sun, along with a celebratory speech by Korail Board of Director Kim Sang Gyun and an awards ceremony for LH Corporation, the Uhweui Technical Society, and the Korea Electrical Power Corporation alumni members.



President Kim Jong Ho presented a plaque to the biggest donors of the university development fund and Alumni Association President Na Gi Sun awarded scholarships to students. Speeches from Meritorious President Moon Heon Il, Former Joonggu Area Head Choi Chang Sik, LH Corporation Cheongra Yeongjong Project Head Kim In Ki, and KEPCO Alumni President Lee Hyung Geun were given to finish the first half of the event.

The second half of the event included performances by the school club Snuto, a saxophone performance by Professor Seo Jung Geun, and other celebratory performances. Following the performances, a raffle event was held with drones, fans, air purifiers, televisions, and other items prepared by the alumni given out, and the event was finished by singing the school song together.

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