News 게시글 확인
Title SeoulTech Hosts Region-based Conference of National and Public Universities
Writer admin ReadCount 2176 Date 2018-12-02

SeoulTech Hosts Region-based Conference of National and Public Universities
Promoting growth through active cooperation between national and public institutes


On November 29th, the Third Region-based Conference of National and Public Universities was held at the third floor conference hall of the Main Building of SeoulTech. (President Kim Jong Ho).


The Region-based Conference of National and Public Universities promotes the growth of universities through cooperation among member institutes. The conference additionally aims to establish a forum for dialogue in which institutes can exchange constructive opinions on issues commonly faced by universities.




Attending the conference were 16 presidents of 19 universities and the Secretary-General of the Korea University Education Council. Under the chairmanship of President Kwon Tae-hwan of Andong University, the conference discussed pending issues. In addition, President Kim Nam-kyung of GyeongnamTech was elected the next chairman to lead the 2019 conference.




President Kim Jong-ho of SeoulTech expressed in the conference that recently, “national and public universities have been experiencing many difficulties.” He stressed the need to “unite institutes in order to overcome such crises, and develop as region

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