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Title SeoulTech Holds Informational Session for Progress Updates on the IPP Type Work-Study Program
Writer admin ReadCount 1709 Date 2019-02-28

SeoulTech Holds Informational Session for Progress Updates on the IPP Type Work-Study Program
President Kim Jong Ho, National Assembly member Moon Jin Gook and Korea Industrial Workforce East Seoul Head and 70 people attended the event.

SeoulTech President Kim Jong Ho held an informational session on the Industry Professional Practice (IPP) Type Work-Study Program managed by the Ministry of Employment and the Korea Industrial Workforce Commission on January 4th at the L Tower in Yangjae, Seoul.




SeoulTech held the informational session to provide progress updates and future strategies for the IPP Long-Term Practical Experience and National Capabilities Standards (NCS) Based Work-Study Program that it has participated in for the past four years in order to provide students with more practical experience. SeoulTech was selected as one of the first universities to participate in the program in 2015.




SeoulTech currently receives a funding of 800 million to 1 billion KRW annually to participate in the program (which is offered to third and fourth year students) which is offered to civil engineering, semiconductor equipment development and other NCS areas. The program improves the system that matches students seeking employment and potential companies.  It provides students with practical experience in specific areas of expertise for four to ten months.


President Kim Jong Ho said, “The IPP Type Work-Study Program that has been active for the past four years has shown great progress in providing more practical experience to students and we hope that more ideas to further develop the program will be implemented in the second stage, due to be initiated in 2020.” President Kim also gave ceremonial plaques of gratitude to eight exemplary participating companies such as Dasan Consulting, A.P.E.C., the Korea Electric Corporation Electrical Research Institute and nine companies and institutions participating in the long-term internship program.



National Assembly member Moon Jin Gook, a member of the Environment and Employment Committee, said, “For the past four years, the program has contributed to providing students with great opportunities to increase their practical experience and help in resolving youth unemployment issue. I hope that the program will continue to be a good model that will help solve cases in which students and companies are mismatched.”


SeoulTech was given an A rating in the 2018 National IPP Type Work-Study Program University Progress Evaluation.


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