News 게시글 확인
Title SeoulTech Hosts the K-MOOC Offline Course for Advanced Robotics
Writer admin ReadCount 2065 Date 2019-03-30

SeoulTech Hosts the K-MOOC Offline Course for Advanced Robotics
120 people including SeoulTech students, middle school students, and elementary school teachers participated in the course


SeoulTech opened an advanced robotics offline course for students at the START Hall in the Central Library on February 15th. Many students were interested as the course offered hands-on experience with robots and drones.



The Advanced Robotics course was part of the K-MOOC Robotics course that SeoulTech created in 2017. The course offers basic education in robotic engineering and aims to provide practical experience in the development of the industrial field and understanding the different robotic branches.



The program was hosted by Center for Teaching and Learning,  and included content on robot manipulators and underwater robots by Prof. Kim Jin Hyun, deep learning applications in robotics by Prof. Ha Jong Eun, the outlook and technology of robotics in extensive labor by Prof. Kim Jung Yeob, and proper education on drones by Prof. Park Hee Jae.


SeoulTech has offered two courses on robotics and the management of electric vehicles since 2017 and will open a joint course, selected by the Ministry of Education last year, called Advanced Robotics starting in March 2019.



SeoulTech’s Advanced Robotics course currently includes openings for Prof. Kim Jin Hyun’s robot manipulators and underwater robots course, and courses on mobile robots, humanoid robots, and basic education and programming of drones will be offered starting in March.


SeoulTech Institute for Innovative Higher Education Head Kim Dae Gon said, “SeoulTech has offered two K-MOOC courses in robotics and electric vehicles since 2017 and has received awards from the Ministry of Education as an excellent course model. We designed the Advanced Robotics course to be an extension of the preexisting robotics course and will offer it in March.”
Prof. Park Hee Jae said, “We worked to make sure that the course focused on both academic theory as well as practical experience. The Advanced Robotics course includes a comprehensive outlook on mechanics, electric vehicles, computer engineering, and other areas of interest. We hope that this course will cultivate our students to be more creative.”

Many questions on how to apply hardware and run simulations during the development of four-legged robots and humanoid robots, the introduction of robots able to swim, and running programs that use 3D modeling and coding during the development of robots came up during the Q&A session after the initial course. Yang Joo Seong, Team Lead in Center for Teaching and Learning said, “We would like to thank the professors for their active participation as well as the faculty members of the Center for Teaching and Learning for their hard work. We are happy to see that both the faculty members and the professors are deeply invested in the development of our K-MOOC course.”


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