 ACADEMICS Undergraduate Administration Education Course
General education subjects are classified into Academic Focus Areas (hereafter called “Focus Area”) to facilitate a balanced experience in liberal arts, with the following basic principles:
  • - All liberal arts subjects are classified into Focus Areas, with the goal of facilitating a balanced education between the individual Focus Areas.
  • - Other regulations pertaining to general education requirements, including the designation of mandatory subjects, are individually decided and implemented.
General Education Operation
Basic Liberal Arts (Common Core)
  • - Creativity and Humanities, Writing, and Logic courses are offered by the School of Liberal Arts.
  • - Creativity and Humanities courses: Creative Thinking, Ethics and Life, the Human Characters in the Classics, as well as Human and the Community
  • - Writing and logic courses: Writing and communication as well as logical thinking
  • - Basic English (written and conversational English), which fall under the International Competency requirement, is offered by the Institute for Language Education and Research.
  • - Computational Thinking, a course on SW Competency, is offered by the College of Information and Communication Engineering.
  • - Volunteer and Career Design, a course on Employment Competency, is offered by the Office of Student Affairs.
Core Liberal Arts (Subjects per Focus Area)
  • - 1–3 Focus Areas: These subjects are offered by the School of Liberal Arts.
Basic Academic Subjects
  • - Each college may assign basic academic subjects as mandatory liberal arts courses, which make up 23 credits.
  • - Basic academic subjects courses are, in principle, offered by the School of Liberal Arts. However, the courses may also be offered by colleges (or departments) on a case-by-case basis, where the college or the department administering the course must submit the related materials (selection of the lecturer, schedule, and other basic information) to the School of Liberal Arts.
  • - Colleges and departments must appoint a supervising professor that will manage the basic science courses.
  • - Offered by the School of Liberal Arts. Electives, which are opened upon the request of individual departments, have also been offered by the School of Liberal Arts since the 2010 academic year began. The School of Liberal Arts may not delegate the responsibility of selecting the lecturer, or any other matters of operation thereof, to the departments. If the nature of the course calls for them to be managed by a specific department, the department shall offer the course. In such a case, the department is obliged to submit all basic information on the lecturer and course management to the School of Liberal Arts every semester.
  • - Language requirements are operated by the Institute for Language Education and Research.
232 Gongneung-ro, Nowon-gu, Seoul, 01811, korea
Tel : +82-2-970-6114,7114 Fax : +82-2-970-6088