News 게시글 확인
Title Mobile Robotics Laboratory in Department of Mechanical System Design Engineering Featured in IEEE Spectrum for Latest Research
Writer admin ReadCount 888 Date 2024-09-23

On Sep. 21, 2024, the Mobile Robotics Laboratory (MRL) of Seoul National University of Science and Technology’s Department of Mechanical System Design Engineering, led by Professor Lee Seung Jae, highlighted its latest research in IEEE Spectrum, a prominent publication in robotics.
IEEE Spectrum is a media outlet under IEEE that introduces cutting-edge developments in engineering fields such as aerospace, AI, and robotics. Renowned for its global influence, it serves as a crucial resource for engineers worldwide.


The featured study introduces a novel cargo transportation platform and flight method, termed “Palletrone Cart.” This research showcases a flying cargo transport solution capable of navigating terrains impassable to conventional wheeled carts, leveraging physical interactions between humans and drones.
This work was previously published in Jun. 2024 in IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (IEEE RA-L), an esteemed SCI journal in robotics. It has garnered significant attention for proposing an innovative paradigm for drone-based cargo transport, emphasizing efficient and secure human-robot collaboration.
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