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Title SeoulTech Alumnus Moon So-jin Passes 2024 Open Competitive Recruitment Exam for Grade 7 Local Talent in Administration
Writer admin ReadCount 7708 Date 2024-06-12

SeoulTech Alumnus Moon So-jin Passes 2024 Open Competitive Recruitment Exam for Grade 7 Local Talent in Administration
SeoulTech alumnus Moon So-jin (Dept. of Public Administration) has passed this year's nationwide open competitive recruitment exam for grade 7 local talent.
This exam is known for its difficulty, requiring candidates to be within the top 10% of their class and to meet the score criteria for English and Korean History Proficiency Tests even to apply.
Candidates who pass the first stage, which includes the Constitution and PSAT exam for grade 5 civil service, move on to the second stage, which consists of an interview to determine the final successful applicants. Those who pass then undergo a one-year probationary period before being appointed as grade 7 civil servants.



Q. Please briefly introduce yourself.
My name is Moon So-jin from the Dept. of Public Administration. I have successfully passed the 2024 open competitive recruitment exam for grade 7 local talent in administration.
I want to share my experience to hopefully assist fellow students in considering their career paths.


Q. What motivated you to take on the nationwide open competitive recruitment exam?
Since my student days, I have wanted to do work that benefits society beyond just helping individuals.
While exploring career options, I realized that policies and systems could significantly impact and aid the lives of citizens. This led me to aspire to become a national civil servant, where I could engage in such work.
In my second year, I took a course in personnel administration in my major and came to hear about the grade 7 local talent course for becoming a grade 7 civil servant.
At that time, I was managing my grades for early graduation, so I thought I might take the exam after graduation if the opportunity arose.
Before applying for the open competitive recruitment exam for grade 7 civil servant, I prepared for the national grade 7 (Prosecutor's Office) exam.
After failing the second exam by just one point, I contemplated retrying. Fortunately, I got third place from my department (within the top 10%), so I decided to prepare for the open competitive recruitment exam for grade 7 local talent this past January.



• Alumnus Moon So-jin (Dept. of Public Administration)



Q. What was the most challenging aspect you paid attention to during your exam preparation?
First of all, for the PSAT, it greatly depends on your concentration and endurance.
Additionally, each subject has a ninety-minute time limit, and the exam lasts from 10 AM to 5:30 PM, so I made a habit of sitting down for long hours and enhancing my concentration according to the exam schedule twice a week while studying.
Before taking the exam, I practiced with previous grade 5 exams, timing myself, and checked my scores against the cut-off to gauge my performance.
The open competitive recruitment exam for grade 7 local talent is a nationwide exam, and the maximum number of successful candidates per region is ten. This makes it crucial to prepare with the determination to surpass the administrative exam cut-off score.
This year, for the Seoul region, the cut-off score was set at 235 points (with the first exam cut-off for the 2024 grade 5 civil service exam at 240 points), and the trend is that the cut-off score rises each year.


Q. Which parts did you focus on the most during your preparation, and what factors helped you?
I believe academic performance is the most critical for the open competitive recruitment exam for grade 7 local talent.
If you are within the top 10% of your class, your school can select you through documents and interviews to take the exam, so I focused on managing my grades.
Also, prospective graduates can apply to take the grade 7 local talent exam. You are eligible to apply if your grades are within the top 10% after completing your third year and before entering the fourth year.
Many students from other schools in Seoul apply for the exam, and nine students at our school received school recommendations. If you aspire to a public service career and meet the academic criteria, I recommend looking into this course.
Our school has a TOEIC score requirement for graduation, which I recommend registering in advance with the Cyber National Examination Center.
Recently, public enterprises and institutions have also recognized TOEIC scores registered with the Cyber National Examination Center for up to five years, and the registration process is not complicated so that it can be helpful in the future.
Moreover, the Korean History Proficiency Test has no expiration date for most institutions once you pass it. Therefore, adding it as a credential on your resume is beneficial. Preparing for it usually takes one to two months, so I recommend using your vacation to obtain it.


Q. Could you share your plans and goals?
For the open competitive recruitment exam for grade 7 local talent, there is a significant amount of time between passing the exam and the following year's appointment.
How you spend this time is crucial. I've heard other successful candidates gain internship experience related to their desired department or participate in supporter activities. I plan to consider my desired department and engage in internship experiences or supporter activities accordingly.
Also, many senior students already in service strongly recommend traveling, so I plan to travel during the winter.


Q. Lastly, would you like to say anything to other SeoulTech students?
I also had various concerns about employment as I approached graduation.
While preparing for the exam, there were many days when I felt sluggish and exhausted, but I believe it is important to try everything.
Every step of the preparation process accumulates within you and will serve as a stepping stone to advance.
I'd like to show my full support of all SeoulTech students.
Also, if you decide to prepare for the open competitive recruitment exam for grade 7 local talent, you can receive various support from the school. I am also willing to help with exam or interview preparations. I hope many students will apply for the exam next year, and I look forward to meeting you in public service.
Thank you.





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